Autumn season 2024 / 2017-2009 born
Autumn season starts on 19.8.2024.
Enrollment is open. Links for enrollment below the schedule.We are changing our enrollment system from Hoika to MyClub. All autumn season enrollments will be done in MyClub. All members have received an email with a link to activate your account in MyClub before the enrollment starts. If you are already using myClub for some other club, sign in with the same username. If you are new to myClub, register a new account.
Note! The activation link too myClub is valid only for 48 hours. You can ask for a new link here.
When enrolling to children’s classes, please be careful and choose the right group according to the year of birth.
All children's classes include two try out classes for free. For the try out classes please enroll normally. If you wish to cancel after the try out classes, the cancellation has to be done by sending us a message before the third class.
If your child participates in two different classes, the second class will be 50% off. In that case, please contact us and we will send you a new invoice with the discount.
Autumn season 2024 | |
M O N D A Y | |
Acrobatic gymnastics Mon. 16.00-16.55 | Mankkaan koulu Sara Kuurne, Essi Turpeinen |
Acrobatic gymnastics Mon. 17.00-17.55 | Mankkaan koulu Sara Kuurne, Essi Turpeinen |
Showdance Mon. 17.00-17.55 | Leppävaaran nuorisotila |
Showdance Mon. 18.00-18.55 | Leppävaaran nuorisotila |
Showdance Mon. 19.00-19.55 | Leppävaaran nuorisotila |
Stara-Gymnastics Mon.16.30-17.25 | Ruusutorpan koulu Jenna Londen, Jenni Aalto |
Aesthetic group gymnastics Mon. 17.00-17.55 | The other class of this group is on Thursdays at Vindängen school (Tapiola) |
T U E S D A Y | |
Aesthetic group gymnastics Tues. 16.00-16.55 | Mankkaan koulu The other class of this group is on Thursdays at Mankkaa school |
FreeGym Tues. 17.00-17.55 | Laajalahden koulu Tseyang Sillanpää, Essi Turpeinen |
FreeGym Tues. 18.00-18.55 | Laajalahden koulu Tseyang Sillanpää, Essi Turpeinen |
Acrobatic gymnastics Tues. 17.00-17.55 | Mankkaanpuron koulu Helen Sointula, Isla Kallio, Emilia Laine |
Acrobatic gymnastics Tues. 18.00-18.55 | Mankkaanpuron koulu Helen Sointula, Isla Kallio, Emilia Laine |
T H U R S D A Y | |
Acrobatic gymnastics Thu. 16.00-16.55 | Mankkaan koulu (1/2 salia) Sara Kuurne, Essi Turpeinen |
Aesthetic group gymnastics Thu. 16.00-16.55 | Mankkaan koulu (1/2 salia) The other class of this group is on Tuesdays at Mankkaa school |
Aesthetic group gymnastics Thu. 17.45-18.40 | Vindängenin koulu, Tapiola The other class of this group is on Mondays at Tapiola school. |
Showdance Thu. 17.00-17.55 | Tapiolan koulu Marjo-Riikka Descargues |
Showdance Thu. 18.00-18.55 | Tapiolan koulu
Showdance Thu. 19.00-19.55 | Tapiolan koulu Marjo-Riikka Descargues |
F R I D A Y | |
Acrobatic gymnastics Fri. 17.00-17.55 | Postipuun koulu Tseyang Sillanpää, Elena Aho, Lia Henttinen |
Acrobatic gymnastics Fri. 18.00-18.55 | Postipuun koulu Tseyang Sillanpää, Elena Aho, Lia Henttinen |
We reserve the right to make changes!
Click the group below to enroll in MyClub.
Waiting list
If the group is full, you can enroll to waiting list. If places become available, the first person in the waiting list wil be added automatically to the group and the invoice will be delivered via email. If you wish to leave the waiting list, please contac us.